The IsoBooth Student is intended to give kids a protected, safe and comfortable place in the classroom to sit and do their work, listen to lessons and eat their lunch without the distraction and discomfort of wearing a mask.

The protective air curtain and HEPA filtered breathing air gives me confidence that my kids can be comfortable and protected at school.


Watch a video of IsoBooth Student prototype

IsoBooth Student can give parents, students, and teachers the confidence to get back to school comfortably.


Energy efficient independent air handling system


Positive pressure breathing zone protected and filled with HEPA filtered air


Students can work comfortably without mask or eye covering


Easy to clean, highly durable, runs on less than 80 watts of power per seat per day

In The News

COVID canopy will help keep kids safe at school, inventor says

COVID canopy will help keep kids safe at school, inventor says

Order the IsoBooth Student

Contact us today for more information for pricing and ordering

Ph (519) 570-2841 | Fax (519) 570-4255
